Xircus is all Set for an Epic Entry into the WEB3.0 Ecosystem

5 min readNov 17, 2022


Xircus (Xircus WEB3.0 Protocol) is the first multi-chain, multi-DEX dSaaS solution that lets anyone create a WEB3.0 solution through an amicable tool, the Xircus SDK. After a long period of blood, sweat but no tears, it was a pretty tough journey (read here), Xircus is set to launch in the next 12 stages. The “12 stages launch” plan is what makes the game exciting and more competitive, follow up.

Web3 is going to be the future of the internet, there’s no debate on this. It’s secure, safe, and decentralized, and incentivizes real creators and artists. We have WordPress to help build Web2.0 internet and hundreds of plugins so that a person who never wrote a single line of code can make a website that does the job.

On contrary, WEB3.0 is considered the techies’ business, and those who understand blockchain and a dozen more languages dare to explore the arena. The lack of accessibility hinders blockchain adaptability, acceptance, and becoming mainstream, so to change the monopolist internet.

This is why we built Xircus. Xircus is a multi-dimensional portal to the realm of digital assets and & progressive WEB3.0 dApps. It is a robust, creative, and autonomous platform that allows artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and marketers to construct a customized NFT marketplace. We are ultimately reaching closer to our mission of the creators’ economy.

The platform is open to everyone thanks to our decentralized software-as-a-service (dSaaS) approach. It is the easy-to-use, secure, time-effective, and cost-effective method of creating a market for your NFTs.

Let’s get right into the 12 stages launch strategy:

Why 12-stages Launch Plan?

As a decentralized platform, transparency is our priority. So, we have decided to guide our community about each step that we took to reach here.

The reason behind such a long launch plan is the complexity and functionality of the project. We want the community to understand the functionality, underlying technology, applications, and protocols of Xircus. The team will share weekly updates about the project.

Each Week in time stands as a symbol to reveal a part of the project and is named after traditional circus tricks. We might not be the ‘lion-tamer’ of a traditional circus but Xircus actually commands the internet of WEB3.0.

During the 12 stages Launch Plan we will make sure product acceptance testing is done. Why?

  • To gain confidence in the product that is getting released to the market.
  • To ensure that the product is working in the way it has to.
  • To ensure that the product matches current market standards and is competitive enough with the other (similar) products in the market.

What is 12 stages Launch Plan?

Without delaying anymore, let’s explore what’s planned for each week:

  • Week 1: The initial week is all about “The Mystery Boxes”. The team will reveal how you can build, launch, and customize any web3 application using Xircus WEB3.0 Software Development Kit (SDK).
  • Week 2: The second week involves “Toss Coins”. In this week you will get to learn about currencies and their utilization in the Xircus ecosystem.
  • Week 3: This week has “Emerging Clowns and Acrobats”. The community will receive how the future applications built on top of the Xircus ecosystem can be built using the mobile and TV applications as a model. You don’t need to be a nerd;) who knows a dozen languages to develop a custom dApp or an NFT marketplace for your project.
  • Week 4: The 4th week includes “The Fire Breathers”. This week the community will get to learn about the launchpad development, working, and deployment with Xircus.
  • Week 5: The 5th week is all about “Strongmen’s Concrete”. The Xircus community will get explore how they can develop vaults for staking, vesting and many more. The Xircus vaults are governed by the community of the Xircus DAO. The consensus mechanism through a custom token makes the DAO more decentralized. Our token holders will not only be able to control the vault but also decide on the future directions of the Xircus Ecosystem.
  • Week 6: This week is all about “Juggler’s Night”. A user must purchase an NFT Avatar from the XIRCUS Avatar Marketplace in order to join. There will be a fixed amount of this NFT Avatar, it can be bought, sold and utilized.
  • Week 7: The 7th week is all about “Make-up Artistry”. This week will allow users to learn about how developers can create, own, sell, or resell marketplace skins.
  • Week 8: The 8th week involves “chains of Sorcery”. This week will educate the community about different chains that offer future-proofing the protocol by enabling EVM and future IBC/Parachain blockchain layers
  • Week 9: Named “Heat + Corn = Popcorn”, this week will publicize all the information about different modules in our ecosystem to the community. They will learn how Modules would be integrated into existing applications. These modules are special and work according to the programming they possess. Modules may combine API services, smart contracts, and third-party integration.
  • Week 10: The 10th launch week is dubbed as “Sky’s the limit”. The team will disperse information about different proportions.
  • Week 11: The 11th week is named ”Roaring Lions”. This week the team will prepare the community for the public launch.
  • Week 12: The final week is dubbed as Xircus “The Show”. This week we will go into the official Beta Launch!

Xircus is the next big thing in the WEB3.0 space with its several solutions for businesses, individuals, creators, artists, and entrepreneurs.

Xircus is creating a seamless and dedicated acceleration platform for projects, giving them financial means, an audience, and an environment that makes a unique experience for everyone. Mark your calendars as

Xircus is in town!
- core team

Stay tuned by following us at:

Linktree: http://linktr.ee/xircus

Website: https://xircus.app/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/xircusnft

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@xircusweb3.0

Medium: https://xircus.medium.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xircusweb3protocol/




Xircus is The first WEB3.0 consensus that enables you to build your own dApp; shortest time-to-market / cost efficient / easy to setup >>> xircus.app